
Teaching Stories



Victors in the back…. losers in the front (sorry V Neck)

A lot is going on in Keri world lately and I’m pretty excited about it! (See I told ya I like exclamation points!) The Super Bowl feels like it was a year ago but I thought I would share some pictures from our festivities.   My favorite part of the Super Bowl is getting together with friends and having yummy food and drinks.  We had people over to our house for it and we had a really good time!

Before we got started inside we played some yard games because it was 60 degrees and sunny (in February?! I’m not complaining!).  As you can see, El Jefe and I pretty much dominated the competition!

Once we moved the party inside we enjoyed plenty of delicious food (I definitely went to bed with a food baby that night).  I made queso dip and pizza rollups. My wonderful roomie, Special K,  made sliders (serious yum factor)! And her boyfriend, Man Bun, made hot wings on the grill. While everyone else rated them a 7 (what a cop out score!) I gave them a solid 8.5 (9 for the sauce, 8 for the tenderness, ease of consumption was the only complaint). There was also homemade Mac and Cheese (told ya I went to sleep with a food baby)! We watch a little bit of the game too.

A little action shot!







Showing off their beautiful masks







Meanwhile, in teacher world, my class has been spending our ELD (English Language Development) time working on reader’s theater to improve our fluency and expression!  I swear they are the cutest!  It told them a little while to break out of their shells and get into it (especially my cinderella crew, heaven forbid you actually have to dance with each other, insert blushy emoji) but we got there eventually.  They did a great job and I am so proud of all their hard work.


Here are a few images from the live action:

A rat as a narrator?! Why not!
The cutest little elf I ever did see
The Gingerbread Man running away!
Cinderella and her Fairy Godmother.. bippity boppity boo!















There are about a gazillion more pictures but I feel like that would be picture overload!  We had a lot of fun with this and I’m hoping we get another opportunity for it later in the year.


What did you do for the Super Bowl?

Were you disappointed in the result?

Hello again! Super glad to see you back here!

I am supposed to be in the Mountains right now hanging out with a friend from back home but instead I’m stuck in bed, taking antibiotics and trying to fight a sinus infection (Sorry Widow! I blame the children).  Not exactly how I wanted to spend my weekend.  But at least it is giving me some time to write this post! (Look at me being all positive and stuff!)  There is lots that I want to tell you about. For example, I started sewing classes on Thursday (Sneak peak of my first project below) and I am super excited about it. I will definitely post about it once I am through the 3 lessons! Any of my Denver friends interested in learning to sew I’m an attending a 3 lesson Intro course at Sew You Studio and after only one class I totally recommend it!







It’s a cardholder/ coin pouch!


But for today I thought I would share a little story to give you a view into my teacher life.

It was a quiet Monday afternoon during silent reading.  (It should really be loud reading time because for some reason second graders think “read in your head” means yell out the words as loud as possible!)  I was going over work with Ms. M (aka my lifeline, she is my para-professional and she is the only reason I survive everyday!).  All of the sudden a student walks up and starts poking me, “Ms. Switzer!, Ms. Switzer!”.  This happens to me about 1,000 times a day (not an over-exaggeration).  So I was totally ignoring him because HELLLLO dude you GOTTTA raise your hand up in here (Ms. Switzer = 1 human, Students = 31 little humans). So I kept talking and he said it anyway.  I heard him say something but waved him off reminding him that “we raise our hand if we need something” (in my bada** teacher voice, of course) when my mind started to process what he said.  Whatever it was it involved the word POOP. As he started to walk away I snapped back to reality. It went a little like this:

Me: “Wait, What did you just say?”

Student: “There is poop on the carpet!”

Me: “There is WHAT on the carpet?”

Student: “Poop!”

Me: in my mind *ok, ok I heard that right but there is no way there is actually poop on our carpet. It is probably fuzz* I walk closer to the situation. *Wow that is a pretty large piece of fuzz* I get a little closer and I hear Ms. M say to a child, “What are you doing?! Why are you smelling it?! Stop that!” I turn the lights on… It actually starts to look a lot less like fuzz.  *It has to be dirt!* Me and Ms . M look closer.  *OMG THAT IS A TURD!* Everyone calm down, do not freak out! I will not puke! I WILL NOT puke!  Wow that smells bad!

Yeah, so that happened.  Just another day in the life of a 2nd grade teacher (Never a dull moment)! At least it didn’t take as long to clean up as the gum in the hair…


Anyone else have a funny/interesting story about teaching or anything else?  I would love to hear it!